Home Fingerboarding CDs

Seating Bowls

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Big rock with bowls carved out of it. Actually some "artsy" bench, but these halfbowls make a nice fingerbording spot. Three different half-bowls with different heights and transitions are on offer.
Since this spot is supposed to be something to sit down on, you have to kneel to ride this spot
A basketball court and a playground is also nearby. Therefore this spot can get crowded with kids and families towards the afternoon.

The spot is close to the Tram and S-Bahn station Nordbahnhof, which can be reached via S-Bahn or Tram (M10 / M12)

Here's how it looks:

seatingbowl1 seatingbowl2
seatingbowl3 seatingbowl4

Here's how to find it:

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